Nighthawks Race Against Hunger
1 mi, 5 km
About the event
The Northern Guilford High School PTSA is proud to sponsor our Fourth Annual Nighthawks Race Against Hunger on Sunday, October 8, 2023. Hunger & food insecurity remain a major issue in our local school & extended community. This year, the majority of the proceeds will go to the NGHS PTSA to support a number of initiatives including Advocacy, Mini Grants, Hospitality and Teacher Appreciation and 100% of the food collected and a portion of the proceeds will go to Guilford Backpack Ministry ( Guilford Backpack Ministry is a 100% volunteer organization that supports food insecure students at Northern and the surrounding schools. They serve 12 northern and northwest Guilford County schools, providing shelf-stable food for 250+ students a year, including over 120 students at Northern and its feeder schools.
A race gift and goodie bag are guaranteed to all participants who register by September 16. All race participants will receive one raffle ticket for door prize drawings. In addition, participants who bring food donations to either the pre-race packet pickup or to the race event will receive an extra raffle ticket. (see below) You must be present at the time of raffle prize drawings to win a prize.
This is a great flat, paved road course, self-contained within the Northern Guilford High School and Middle School campuses. We welcome runners and walkers of all ages from our greater Greensboro community! Please note that students who sign up and participate in the 1M or 5K are eligible to receive volunteer hours as our race is certified in the X2VOL website.
Food Donation DriveEveryone is encouraged to bring non-perishable, non-glass food items either to the pre-race packet pickup location or with you to the race.
Food donations wish list (no glass containers): canned meats (chicken, tuna, beef stew), canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, apple sauce, cereal, oatmeal, healthy snacks (granola bars, fruit cups), protein beans (canned or dry), rice, pasta, pasta sauce, instant mashed potatoes, soup and Ramen noodles.
TeamsYou are welcome to create a Team name and share it with your family and friends so they can join your Team! All registrants on a Team are eligible for the Team awards and the Individual awards. You can create a new Group/Team on the first step of the registration process.
Team awards for: (1) Largest Team (1M and 5K participants); (2) Lowest average 5K time for the Team (5K participants only)
Races offered by this event
1 Mile Fun Run
1 mi
5k Race
5 km
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