Groovin in the Aspens
5 km, 10 km, 18 km
About the event
Course Descriptions
Our 5k event is on jeep roads that surround the expo area of the event. A relatively flat course throughout the aspens and very friendly. To view map Click Here
10k event uses a combination of single track and jeep road with 489 feet of elevation gain. To view map Click Here
18k is also a combination of single track and Jeep roads with 1100 feet of elevation gain. To view map Click Here
Packet Pickup
Packet pickup will be on Friday August 23rd noon to 4 PM at Kickstand Kafe. 719 N. Humphreys. Flagstaff AZ 86001
What You Get!
Custom Event Finisher's Medal
Custom Event T-Shirt.
Age Group Awards for Top Three in all Age Groups. Our age groups are the following:
8 & Under, 9 & 10, 11-13, 14-17, 18-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75 & Over
Pre- and Post-Race "Runner's Snack" (granola bars, fruit, water, Gatorade, etc)
Please note any race related items (shirts, medals, etc.) will NOT be mailed to those that do not attend.
Race Day Information
Race Day Registration will be available beginning at 8am at Arizona Nordic Village
We accept cash, check, and credit cards on race day
Cost of registration on race day will be:
18K - $80, 10K - $65, 5K - $50
We do welcome wheelchairs, strollers & wagons but keep in mind that this is a trail run and there will be some areas of the course that will be difficult to maneuver.
No roller blades, skateboards or motorized devices are allowed on the run or walk courses.
Due to the common start/finish line, there is no bag check for this event.
Event schedule
August 25th. At 8:00 am Race Day Packet Pick-up and Registration Opens
August 25th. 9:00 AM - 18K Race Begins
August 25th 9:10 AM - 10K Race Begins
August 25th. 9:20 AM - 5K Begins
August 25th. 10:20 AM - Awards Begin (approximate)
Races offered by this event
5 km
10 km
18 km
Official links
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