BFK's Fall Bike Celebration Bike Tour
103 mi
About the event
BFK’s magnificent Fall Bike Celebration Bike Tour is always on the Sunday during the third full weekend of September (Sept. 21 in 2025). The ride offers something for everyone.
Our “two states of mind” Vicksburg-Shipshewana Century explores the Amish country of Indiana. All routes take you back in time–-past photogenic Vicksburg Quilt Trail paintings-–and start/finish on the grounds of the lovingly curated Vicksburg Historic Village. The tour is supported with maps, SAG stops & snacks, and clearly marked routes. All riders will enjoy a delicious meal at ride’s end!
Everyone who PRE-registers ONLINE will get a coupon for a free cyclist’s Ice Cream cone at Apple Knocker’s Ice Cream Parlor. PLUS we are getting pre-registered riders a coupon for 10% off at the Distant Whistle Brewhouse in beautiful downtown Vicksburg. Both coupons will be good from when you pick up your pre-registration packet through the remainder of September. AND – pre-registered riders who get their wrist bands in person at Saturday’s Ice Cream Social (4:30-6:30pm) can skip the line and start the ride without having to pick up your packets/wrist bands at the Day-Of Registration desk on Sunday. Go to our separate dedicated web page HERE for detailed Route Highlights, Start Times & Locations, SWAG, Parking, SAG Stop Opening/Closing Times, Pre-registered Rider Packet Pick Up, Ice Cream Social and other important information. Our dedicated website is where the most up to date information is found (vs. on BikeReg).
BFK's Fall Bike Celebration Ride includes many great routes, all starting and finishing on the grounds of the wonderful Vicksburg Historic Village (see HERE for map). We like to know which Routes participants might want to ride as their primary but not exclusive choice(s) in order to help us with food and water, etc. logistics. Mileages are approximate. For details about the routes and online maps (when finalized) go to our separate ROUTES web page.
Shipshewana Century - 103 miles
Shipshewana Hybrid - 82 miles
Metric Century - 61-62 miles
Climax - 37 miles
Scotts Mill Park - 25 miles
Vicksburg Quilt Trail - 17-ish miles
Lake Cruise Route - 11 miles
Vicksburg Recreation Trail - 5 miles
GRAVEL ROUTES - 32 & 59 miles
All of our routes provide a wonderful way to enjoy the beauty of the fall. All start & finish at the Vicksburg Historic Village.
Families must complete a form that lists all participating family members. Family registration is limited to family members living at the same address.
Fees are non-refundable unless BFK cancels the Ride, otherwise, Ride is rain or shine; cancellations may occur due to road closures, emergencies, extreme weather, public health considerations and other unforeseen and unavoidable causes with little or no prior notice. Registrations are not transferrable. This overview may not reflect last minute changes; please refer to our Fall Bike Celebration website for more detail about the routes and features. We like transparency! BikeReg charges a nominal non-refundable fee for their handling; T-Shirts are taxable; we've been told nothing else is taxed. You can register through BikeReg knowing that they are handling the security of their credit card transactions.
Fall Bike Celebration Sponsors: Please see our Sponsors page.
- All riders must wear helmets.
- Signal your intentions.
- Follow the rules of the road.
- Point out hazards.
- Keep to the right.
- Obey traffic signs and lights.
- Ride no more than two abreast.
Have a safe and happy ride!
Health Advisories
Let’s make the Fall Bike Celebration a safe success.
Consult your health professional and our Health Advisories page.
Races offered by this event
You have 27 weeks to prepare
103 miles
103 mi
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Registration just opened
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