Aimee Romero Memorial Cupcake 5K Run/Walk
880 yd, 5 km
5 km
About the event
Come out and join in the fun as we remember a beautiful soul and raise money for the Aimee's Hope Foundation and the Aimee Romero Scholarship Fund. DUE TO INSURANCE REASONS, ABSOLUTELY NO STROLLERS, BIKES, WAGONS, ETC ALONG WITH ANIMALS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE TRACK OR THE COURSE, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Kids 12 & under 1/2 mile fun run - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive a medal.
5K Run: Awards to the top male & female 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall male and female.
5K Walk: Awards to top finisher 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall male and female.
12 & under male and female (can not sign up for kids 1/2 mile fun run)
13-18 male and female
19-29 male and female
30-39 male and female
40-49 male and female
50-59 male and female
60 & over male and female
Team spirit award runners/walkers - 1 team of 6 or less participants who show the most spirit (enthusiasm, craziness, dress, etc) will be awarded a special award! Let's see who can have the most fun. (Individuals who sign up on a team will not be eligible for any other awards). Team must register as a team and stay together during the event. Must pre-register all 6 (or less) team members BEFORE Sept 11th to receive t-shirts. Anyone added to team after Sept 11th WILL NOT receive a t-shirt.
Event times:
4:00 pm - Packet pickup and day of registration
5:00 pm - Kids fun run (12 & under)
6:00 pm - 5K run/walk
7:15 pm - Awards
8:15 pm - Fireworks
Races offered by this event
880 yard
880 yd
5 km
5 km
5 km
5 km
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