Verbier Ultra

Val de Bagnes, Valais, Switzerland
09-10 wrz, 2023 (sob - ndz)

Bieganie w terenie

1.78 km, 12.6 km, 21.89 km, 47.3 km, 94.6 km

Informacje o evencie

The Ultra-Trail is recognized as one of the most mentally and physically demanding running events. An opportunity for runners to experience the Ultra and test themselves on this 2 loops course in the heart of the Val de Bagnes. You must be physically and mentally ready to take up the challenge..

Wyścigi oferowane przez ten event


09 wrz, 2023 (sob) - 16:00
Bieganie w terenie
94.6 km
6128 m sumy przewyższeń
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This is the longest and toughest course of the Cha Cha Cha Ultra Trail series, held annually in the Val de Bagnes valley. Aimed at seasoned athletes this course will reward you with challenging climbs and dramatic scenery as you cover a long distance. This is designed to be self selecting. You must be physically and mentally ready for the challenge!

Start and finish points are in Le Châble as this course loops around some of the famous local mountains.
With 4 major climbs, one of the toughest is the 1st climb up the Val d'Arpette, before you descend a steep trail into Trient. Here the 2nd climb takes you up to the stunning Col de la Balme with rewarding views across into France and the Chamonix valley. This then loops back down into Trient before another gentler climb to the Alpage Bovine. From here the course descends all the way to the Orsières valley passing Champex Lac for a 2nd time. There is an aggressive, steep final climb up to Moay on the opposite side of the valley. From the top here you are greeted with views of Verbier and the finish line in Le Châble valley. A long technical descent takes you to the finish line where you will be rewarded with a great sense of achievement.

Designed for those wanting to push their limits in an extreme way.
Na miejscu
Wiele pętli
Z pomiarem czasu
Pasmo górskie
Single track


10 wrz, 2023 (ndz) - 06:00
Bieganie w terenie
47.3 km
3064 m sumy przewyższeń
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The 2nd longest course of the Cha Cha Cha Ultra Trail series, held annually in the Val de Bagnes valley. This race is aimed at intermediate-experienced trail runners, offering some challenging, technical climbs but also some fast paced descents.

Starting and finishing in Le Châble this course first climbs aggressively up to Larzey. As you emerge from the forest you will be rewarded with panoramic views, including Catogne, Pierre Avoi and the Bruson ridge line ahead. You climb along the dramatic ridge towards Col de Mille, here you will feel in another world with Verbier in the distant view. Then after a gradual but long descent to the valley floor, the second steep climb takes you in the shadow of the Bec de Rosses up to the small village of Schlerondes. You can then gain some speed as you head towards Verbier on a flat section. A steep descent via Clambin takes you to the finish in Le Châble.
Na miejscu
Pojedyncza pętla
Pasmo górskie
Single track


10 wrz, 2023 (ndz) - 09:00
Bieganie w terenie
21.89 km
1397 m sumy przewyższeń
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The 2nd shortest of the Cha Cha Cha Ultra Trail series, held annually in the Val de Bagnes. This half marathon distance is open to all levels and ages, designed with an achievable cut off time for all.

Starting in Le Châble and finishing at the stunning Champex Lac, the course travels along the valley and under the famous Catogne mountain. A fast and undulating course which finishes with a steep climb up above the lake before gently descending to the finish line.

You will be rewarded with stunning scenery, technical forest sections, a fast flat start and an optional dip in Champex Lac at the finish line. Truly a magnificent course.
Na miejscu
Pojedyncza pętla
Pasmo górskie


10 wrz, 2023 (ndz) - 10:30
Bieganie w terenie
12.6 km
543 m sumy przewyższeń
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The shortest course of the Cha Cha Cha Ultra Trail series, held annually in the Verbier area. This community inspired race is aimed at being inclusive and encouraging all ages and abilities onto the trails, offering a fantastic introduction to trail running.

A fast, fun and fairly flat loop through the heart of Val de Bagnes. Starting in Le Châble the route begins with a short undulating section, one main climb through the forest and a fast finishing section, as you cover both sides of the valley floor.

Designed to be fun, fast and open to all. Come and test yourself in the heart of the Alps.
Na miejscu
Pojedyncza pętla
Pasmo górskie
Single track


10 wrz, 2023 (ndz) - 10:30
Bieganie w terenie
1.78 km
57 m sumy przewyższeń
Zobacz profil trasy
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The shortest course of the Cha Cha Cha Ultra Trail series, held annually in the Verbier area. This community inspired race is aimed at being inclusive and encouraging all ages and abilities onto the trails, offering a fantastic introduction to trail running.

A fast, fun and fairly flat loop through the heart of Val de Bagnes. Starting in Le Châble the route begins with a short undulating section, one main climb through the forest and a fast finishing section, as you cover both sides of the valley floor.

Designed to be fun, fast and open to all. Come and test yourself in the heart of the Alps.
Na miejscu
Pojedyncza pętla
Pasmo górskie
Single track

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