Morocco Backyard Ultra

5 (1 Recenzja)
Salé, Morocco
16 lis, 2024 (sob)

Bieganie w terenie

Cena od
95 USD
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01 Primary (Vertical)/Colour/Light background/Swish_Logo_Primary_Light-BG_SVG

Informacje o evencie

The One Backyard Ultra is a challenging event that is part of the official races of the legendary Backyard Ultra. This race does not reward the swiftest athlete, but rather the most clever and enduring one. The Backyard Ultra involves running a distance of 6706 meters (4.167 miles) in an hour or less, followed by a period of recovery for the next hour’s race.

Wyścigi oferowane przez ten event

Masz 19 tygodni na przygotowanie

Morocco Backyard Ultra

16 lis, 2024 (sob) - 10:00
Bieganie w terenie
6 km na pętlę
Na miejscu
Wiele pętli
Przyjazny dla środowiska

Szczegóły trasy

Najważniejsze informacje o trasie

The route is a 6.706 km loop Created by Lazarus Lake, the organizer of the famous and mythical Barkley in Tennessee, the principle is very simple: The course is a loop of 6.706 km. Every hour, the admitted runners will start the loop, which they will have to do and redo, always within 60 minutes, until only one and last runner remains on the track. If you complete the loop before one hour, you can rest while waiting for the next loop to start. Example: if you complete the 1st loop in 45 minutes, you have 15 minutes before the next start. If you complete the loop in 58 minutes, you will only have 2 minutes of rest before the next departure. The goal is simple: make as many loops as possible within the time limit. The winner is the last person left on the track. It should make a single loop on its own. ``The winner is the only finisher of the event``

Adres startu

Salé, Morocco

Co obejmuje rejestracja

To jest zawarte w rejestracji
Medal na linii mety
Transport z lotniska
Koszulki eventowe
Punkty żywieniowe
Usługa wideo
Punkty z napojami
Serwis fotograficzny
Ubezpieczenie od n.n.w.
Pomoc medyczna

Często zadawane pytania


1 Recenzja
Napisz recenzję
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Ajit kumar Verma
jul 2021
6.7 km

Very great route it was and amazing race. The race was well organized and not too crowdes but energetic ppl filled it with ❤ love

Very good organized race by the best organization in the world. Volunteers are very much active and I have been trying my best💯

Zapisz się teraz naMorocco Backyard Ultra
Cena od
95 USD
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