Backyard Ultra

Proença-a-Nova, Portugal
27 kwi, 2024 (sob)


Informacje o evencie

Horizontes Backyard Ultra is a part of the Backyard Ultra calendar, an American invention of Lazarus Lake that is now done in many different countries. This competition takes place in Proença-a-Nova and has a 6,706-meter circuit with 135D+ of difficulty. In order to be successful in this grueling task, one must possess the qualities of endurance, resilience, management skills, and intelligence.

Wyścigi oferowane przez ten event

Backyard Ultra

27 kwi, 2024 (sob)
6.706 km na pętlę
130 m sumy przewyższeń
Na miejscu
Wiele pętli

Szczegóły trasy

Najważniejsze informacje o trasie

At 10 am, in mainland Portugal, we will give a first start to all participants for a fixed circuit of 6,706 meters and approximately 135D+. A circuit that at the twenty-fourth hour of the race, the active participants, have completed 160.9 km, the mythical 100 miles. Then, every hour, 11:00 am, 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm and so on, a new starting “shot” is given to all participants who have completed the distance within the regulated 60 minutes. This will be repeated over and over until there are two participants able to complete that distance within the hour. The winner will be the last to complete the round and all others will be considered DNF.

Adres startu

Proença-a-Nova, Portugal

Adres mety

Proença-a-Nova, Portugal

Co obejmuje rejestracja

To jest zawarte w rejestracji
Spersonalizowany numer startowy
Punkty z napojami
Ubezpieczenie od n.n.w.
Punkty żywieniowe
Pomoc medyczna


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