With heavy hearts, we must announce the official decision to cancel TransLantau for the second year in a row due to the current pandemic situation and government restrictions. Our team first postponed the event from March to November 2021 in the hope to have the situation improving. However, the Hong Kong government continues to impose restrictions to organize events in country parks and public areas. In particular, the Home Bureau Affair is now involved in the permit delivery and gives the right to announce the permit approval only 10 days before the event date. To organize and coordinate an event such as TransLantau, the team requires a minimum of 4 months, making it impossible to have it happening in November. Our team decided to focus on the 2022 edition, for which we already secured the dates of 4-6 March 2022. The registered participants from 2020 who did not use their discount for TransLantau Hybrid will be able to enjoy a priority registration with their discount for the 2022 edition.
We will keep you updated on the registration dates for the 2022 edition.
Stay healthy and see you soon,
Sabrina & Clement
Petition to allow Trail running races as an exception to Cap. 599G