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Brazil 135 Ultramarathon Cup 2012

10 Jan, 2012 (Tue)


By Airson Viana

Considered one of the toughest tests of the World, the city São João will receive for third time the Brazilian stage of World Cup (Brazil 135 Ultramarathon Cup 2012).
The competition is this edition will have 150 athletes being 100 veterans and novice runners 50 from thirteen countries: Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Catalunha (Spain), Costa Rica, United States, Italy, India, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia and Taiwan.
The coordination is of Commander Lacerda and the route is called path of faith, with a total of 135 miles (217 kilometers), traversed by three categories: individual, duo and trio (two and tree athletes) in the relay.
For the realization of Brazil 135 Ultramarathon Cup, the courts with support of the Municipality of São João Commission for Tourism (CTUR), Commercial Business Association (ACE), Club Sociedade Esportiva Sanjoanense and Company San Francisco Health of Ribeirão Preto (Small Black River City).


The most important characters of Brazil 135 Ultramarathon Cup 2012, which are the participants of proof pedestrian harder than our country, will have a great novelty in the edition of this season.

1- The Commander Lacerda reported that this year all participants are being accompanied with live real-time transmission. Parents and your friends will be able to follow everything that is happening in the competition.
Support and organization, volunteers are agents that facilitate the smooth performance of the athletes and when the race finished, participants can see and review the evidence and with this they can formulate new planning (macro cycle) for future proofs.

2- The Commander Mario Lacerda informs that will be made a record the minute the minute, about the positions of the athletes and that the following information will be disclosed:

  • The maximum speed is average of each participant;
  • The time was stopped;
  • Were it stopped;
  • What is the travel time between the main excerpts;
  • The performance on Pico do Gavião (Hawk Top Mountain) and Serra do Caçador (Hunter Mountain) easier to run.

They can also analyze the own performance and make the comparison with even passing several years athletes way remember his feats.
Everything will be shown in the form of points the route of the race, which will change position each click the mouse.
Information such as: who was who? In what location? With the race time? Everything will be available at the simple click of the mouse.
But does this invention of science will give right?
In the World Ultramarathon only exist to make sure of one thing: Going to hurt!!!

3- Says the Commander Lacerda: For sure , we’re doing everything in our power. Let’s get in respect to the effort of the participants run…determination…patience…spirit of adventurous…

After all we are more than a bunch of “mad” that seem to be!!!
We are together on the journey.

The reception of participants will be held on Thursday, January 19, 2012, where delivering a kit athletes and conferred the inscription of all. On 11:00 A.M. there will be friendship with a lunch hosted by the Organization Committee of the Prefecture of São João da Boa Vista at Club Sociedade Esportiva Sanjoanense, and from 02:00 PM happens the Technical Congress- Pre Race Meeting with all participants performing weighing in the same Club.

Already on Friday, 20 January, in the morning, after the raising of the flags and the implementation of the Brazilian National on then will start from the School Coroner Joaquim José, with participants walking through the runway of the big Mountain (Serra da Paulista).

On Sunday, 22 January, after 217 kilometers of Brazil 135 Ultramarathon Cup 2012, route which includes besides the cities of São João da Boa Vista, Águas da Prata, Crisólia, Ouro Fino, Inconfidentes, Borda da Mata, Tocos de Mogi, Estiva and Consolação. The participants shall close the proof in the Paraisópolis, in Minas Gerais State.

Between the various participants will be the born in the City of São João, Reginaldo Rodrigues (Cotonete), inscribed in the proof of 60 hours. In the 2011 was “pacer” in the race, like much of the experience that in the 2012 will participate an athlete. The other athletes of São João that will participate in the race are: Samuel Heto (lives in Canada), Esron Aparecido Módena, (Cuca), athlete who won go medals in the Regional Games in Mogi Guaçú City and PM Soldier Firefighter Richard Lattanza.
It is important of the highlight the actuation of the Group of Friends of the Big Mountain (Serra da Paulista) which is assisting athletes, during the passage through the mountains area of our City.

For more information interested parties should contact Ms. Telma Salles Corulli, trade Association of the São João da Boa Vista City –E-mail:- [email protected].
I wish a lot of energy to all.

Translation by the City São João da Boa Vista Sports Department.

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